Lord, please help me remember tomorrow 7:00🤪 looking forward to it!

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Set an alarm on your phone now :)

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This is going to be THE BEST way to kick off a week and cap off Sunday. Thank you in advance for this! 🫶🏼

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Hoping to make it if I’m feeling better. The last two weeks I’ve been on medical leave for a finger injury requiring stitches and also caught a bad bug that’s going around. I’m planning on doing Focus 40 but until I’m fully recovered I will just do what I can. The only thing I prob can’t do just yet is movement but water , nutrition , and Bible reading I can do.

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You’re doing it right! Dont measure yourself against any worldly standard. You will know it’s worldly when you feel pressure to perform.

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Alisa during the Sunday night zoom class you mentioned several statements that began with "I will worship God by..." you read them at the end and I thought they were very powerful. Is it possible you could post a copy of those here?

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Alisa…don’t your want to keep this Sunday class going?!! Asking for a friend ;)

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This class looks great! Do I need the substack app to join?

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