I feel God ahs led me here. For the first time in my life I feel I am exactly where I'm supposed to be. This year (2024) I've been intentionally in His word and He has opened my eyes and changed my heart about my body and how to nourish it. I crave Him now more than anything and have never thought that was possible. Now I feel like He has opened so many doors and the possibilities for my future self is endless if He is my center and foundation. Now I feel I can start putting the health puzzle pieces together.

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You're doing it right!

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I can relate to so many of the things you shared here. I need to focus on feeling well. Things show up in my body, I get put on more medications, my body doesn’t feel well on the medications either. It’s a terrible cycle.

Surrending to what the Lord has for me and what He wants to show me. I want to be free in my body!

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i hope I get to see you in class

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Thank you for sharing your health journey! In 2022 I had to have back surgery that I had put off for so long. I also got on my face and cried out to the Lord. My whole life has been obsessing and neglecting my body. I have it all to him. After that mostly successful surgery I hired a personal trainer, and we started working on building muscle. I committed for 9 months to 3x a week pumping weights. I feel that was so important as I was a cardio person - pushing all the time. I also during 2022 found a behavioral health provider that was familiar with EMDR and we worked on my childhood trauma. I walked around most of my life so fearful. The Lord is helping me continue this walk of acceptance of who He says I am. I work as an RD and since 2019 have been teaching the pillars of lifestyle medicine with a provider that does the same and another team member that is a health and wellness coach. We are giving the power back to the patient as we work on empowering them with small changes to have big impact! I have been more whole food plant based and now know that the most important food we put on our plate has fiber as part of it. I have been moving more to whole foods, plant based and relying on plant proteins more in my diet. Often 2 meals a day are plant powered, and the 3rd has plants but may also have animal protein. At 64 - heading into 65 in 2025 I feel so great! God is good - all the time

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Cheri, this is such amazing news. It is never too late and I can tell you now more than ever the world needs people like you to help them with their health. Keep going!

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Clarify the date please? Jan 4th is Saturday.

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The 5th :)

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I didn’t want to miss out ❤️

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Oh this is just wonderful! The Lord has been pressing on my to do more weight training, I am struggling with how to do it. I am a regular fitnesser and have trouble creating the strength plan. I look forward to what God has coming forward and the Focus40 program. I am also a person that wants to grab all the goals and do all the things and then fall flat and give up. I am committing to the Focus40 program and giving the Lord that time. Thank you Alisa for sharing your realness, it has been fun to see you transform over the past year. You can hear your growth in your words ❤️

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This gives me so much hope. I am in daily pain in my body. I know it is from stress, but I have become stressed about the stress in and on my body. This gives me so much hope and reminds me that our God is a God of unlimited resources and I can continue to keep taking my pain to Him and He is faithful to provide for my needs in this season.

I am encouraged to keep going and keep pursuing the Lord in my pain and let Him guide and heal me. I can remain hopeful instead of stressed about my stressed out body.

Wish I could make the Sunday classes, but I am in Africa so middle of the night for me! But, pray there will be freedom found in all bodies of those who can attend, in Jesus’ name.

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Abby! You are with us in Spirit. Praying for the Spirit to move in Africa.

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I love it! I've been feeling like this as well, the only thing I need is more God and to keep move more carefully. I'm certainly glad you listened to God in this. It's for me

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I am currently going through menopause and am experiencing those same prideful thoughts that I’m not what I once was, but have been convinced more and more that strength and mindful movement is the key. Your story is very encouraging and am so excited for the Focus 40 as well to get back to these basics. I’m looking forward to your weekly class to help prepare my mind and body for the week ahead.

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This past year has been rough characterized by lots of loss and grief for me and my body has felt it..I know its time to have a more strategic focus intention for my physical, mental,spiritual and relational health...I know there are so many things I can do but I know it's the simple things that can add up done consistently. Thank you for sharing your journey. I definitely want to be in a healthier place all around by the end of this year.

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Thank you for sharing your journey, for your transparency, and for always pointing us to the Lord and His Word. It is so encouraging (and convicting at times which is needed!). I’m so looking forward to this Focus 40!!

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Thank you for this! I’m really going to be praying about fasting and what that may look like for me. Currently doing the Focus 40 with you all, and praying about what my next steps will be after this.

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I feel all these things on point and I am looking forward to the 40 move program

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Thank you Alisa. Isn’t it so easy to buy into the cheap counterfeit of world “wellness”? As a FTGP I felt like I had it all together and in a nice neat little box. Then menopause hit pretty hard. I truly take Him at His word when He says He causes all things to work together for my good—and to me that includes every age and stage. Believing the best I sought out supplements and natural solutions to treat the symptoms that wreak havoc in my body. The struggle is SO STINKIN REAL. I plead with Him often as I learn to embrace all that He has for me—both hard and holy. I love the opportunities that He has created for me through being a FTGP. For a few moments the enemy made me react in fear of losing those opportunities. He doesn’t have that kind of power. My Father gave it to me. Not feeling well has challenged me to press in harder. Lately “You will be My witness” has taken on a new meaning. I have been given a from row seat to witness His power in my body. What a beautiful unexpected gift! I’m expectantly looking forward to FOCUS 40…..soft in His hands as He continues creating and re-creating me to be all He intends. Thanks for your yes Alisa❤️

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I turn 38 in February and have seen so many body changes in the last year, some very frustrating . Would love for you to share more what you have learned about our bodies as women as we hit late 30’s and beyond and how we need to eat and move differently.

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Got Sunday on the calendar!

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Same sista!

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