Sunday at 7:00! Alisa, I am a Rev Well Platoon 25 "runner"...life has it I am just not on socials much at all so not connected to all the Rev content. I do still utilize my training partnering with a local faith based fitness ministry that several other Rev alum are part of...anyhow I am really liking the flow of your personal content here in the newsletter...its a good pace, chewable, palpable, gives space to think upon without feeling there is something I need to "do" or keep up with...so thank you for this gentle space to learn at a slower, quieter pace💜🙌

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Yah. I’m kind of tired of social media and the soundbytes. Grateful to have a place to go deep with fewer. ❤️

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Sundays at 7:00pm would be incredible and a lovely way to begin the week. Merry Christmas and Happy 2025!!

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Love you!

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Sunday night please! Bought a walking pad for my work stand-up desk and now have a little boost of motivation to use it more!

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Love God’s truth! You are a freedom fighter, and we are so very grateful!

Sunday nights for me. 🙂

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Oh and totally been eyeing walking pads 🙂

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Sunday night would be better for me. And I’m ordering the walking pad! ☺️

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Sunday! I'm getting a walking pad for Christmas this year and could not be more excited!

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Oh it will be so good! Look for ways to just move on it , not get a workout on it. You’ll enjoy your days more often.

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Love your inspired book.

Mondays best for walking

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Sunday night, please!

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I'm looking forward to this 4 weeks! Sunday night will work for me! Merry blessed Christmas and happy blessed birthday to your daughter! Btw my bday is new year's eve, I'll be a little older than 21 this year, lol!!

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Hi Alisa. Mondays are good. Thank you. I’ve been intrigued with this notion of beauty in the Bible too. While I agree that beauty is set by God, I am finding that there is a beauty standard. Even for men to be called handsome in the scriptures. I guess I’m trying to discern that even if God gives beauty in a greater measure than others, like intelligence or wealth, it’s how it’s used for the kingdom. We all have the DNA of Christ and that’s true beauty. I guess I can’t ignore & want to acknowledge the reality that a standard exists (by region, time, and constantly shifting) and how to talk to women about it. I love that you are having these conversations. It’s been in heart to create a biblical beauty bootcamp for some time. I’m wrestling with it. Lol. Merry Christmas!

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Good observation. I am aware of those scriptures and times where God gives beauty and handsomeness, but the context is to win the favor of surrounding nations.

There’s purpose behind assigned or given beauty that resonates with the world. But that cannot equal greater measure of value or worth otherwise why would Jesus come and have nothing special about him and appearance. (Isaiah 53). Jesus came looking like nothing special so he could identify with all who feel looked over and less than. (And even those who have beauty or handsomeness feel this too.)

When someone is given appearance that resonates with a worldly ideal much responsibility comes with that. And much danger can come if not used for right purposes. And those of us who don’t have “the look “cannot fall into the trap of thinking we are less than because we didn’t get what they got. For example, I know the Lord gave me a body that responds to fitness in a way that makes the world take notice. For a while, I used it to get the world to take more notice of me than eventually I realize this was idolatry, it was bringing me to ruin. Now any measure of the look of “fitness” that I have is to draw every man or woman to God. It’s not mine to keep. It will fade.

Beauty or handsomeness is a sharp sword to carry. It can cut the user if not careful. Just ask any Hollywood celebrity who has aged. If their identity is not in who they are at the soul level they will be crushed when their appearances fade. Which they most certainly will.

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Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!

Sunday's! Please do Sunday evening for the 45 mat time with you!

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Alisa, thank you so much for this message.

Have a wonderful time in NYC. Merry Christmas!

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Have a great time in NYC! Sunday would work best for me since I’m off work that day but if a replay was made available that would be great , too.

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Have a great time in NYC!

I would like to vote for Monday nights, a replay option would be so nice. :)

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As always, bringing such light to a dark place... I too have worked in the beauty industry for years and it is fascinating to see just how Satan wriggles in to deceive us. I am eager to hear more about this as I haven't ever really dug into this in such depth. Scary and fascinating!

If there are not replays Monday nights would work best for me ✌️

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